Producer Matthew Rhodes and his Journey to Blockbuster Success

Following his freshman year at Ohio University, Rhodes left his parents' home in Cleveland, Ohio, and purchased a bus ticket to the epicenter of TV and movie production: Los Angeles, CA. With barely any money in his pockets, and Rhodes steadily inching closer toward homelessness, he stood outside production company studios asking producers for an opportunity, even offering to work for free.

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Clone Wars: How Desiigner has been compared to an Atlanta rap legend

Since the release of Kanye West’s album “The Life of Pablo,” 19-year old MC Desiigner has become the most controversial artist of 2016.

Prior to his signing with G.O.O.D. music, a young Sidney Shelby III would fly out to LA to meet West in a car outside of LAX. The two would listen to what would become “Father Stretch my Hand Pt. 2,” the record that essentially anchored his new found eminence in rap.

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