Where to find Austin hotel pools with day passes this summer, including rooftop decks

It's time to soak in this Texas sun.

Now that the smoldering summer heat that lifelong residents have grown up with (and transplants like me are nervously anticipating) is here, it's time to pull out your swimsuits to kick back poolside under some shade, with a fruity cocktail in hand.

Lucky for us, Austin is home to plenty of hotels that open their pools to the public for a fee. If you're looking to lay back in a lounge chair or dive into a lagoon overlooking the city's skyline, we have a few places for you to explore.

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Dating Beyond Borders: How to maintain a relationship abroad

It’s hard enough to maintain a long distance relationship. So, imagine the difficulties with one split by international waters.

Considering the lack of frequent visits, consistent communication and intimate moments, it’s almost impossible to picture a romance like that lasting beyond the short-lived stages of fascination.

So, how does a relationship like this work?

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Dating Beyond Borders: How couples overcome cultural barriers

As the world has become more interconnected, the increase of long distance relationships has expanded beyond domestic borders.

In time, more couples have successfully formed romantic unions with people living abroad. However, many are split between their cultural differences, with their distance becoming a near secondary obstacle.

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Dating Beyond Borders: How the world is reshaping the dating game

Before the Internet, the smallest inclination of a successful long distance relationship was a rarity. Back then, the hundreds or thousands of miles between two companions left gaping holes in their romantic pursuits, with their pairings ending just as quickly as they formed.

So, the thought of a long distance relationship separated by an oceans-length was almost nonexistent then. With no social media apps or services like WhatsApp, there was simply no way to forego a full-time relationship abroad.

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Decoding Digital Nomads: The racial disparity in the DN community

When people think of digital nomads, many picture young professionals laying out in hammocks, working from their laptops between two palm trees, with sand falling from the cracks of their toes and landing on their open-toed sandals.

Some envision the various locations DNs travel to, whether it be the Greek islands, mountains of Venezuela or, really, whatever destinations come to mind. But for a lifestyle so heavily entrenched in the exploration of different cultures, digital nomad circles are still fairly narrow in their reach, particularly among people of color.

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Decoding Digital Nomads: The myths linked to nomadism

With the increase of digital nomads and the expansion of the lifestyle’s popularity, there’s been an overwhelming push for corporate companies and local startups to build virtual offices and hire more remote workers.

The move counters the daily costs of running a well-oiled professional base, while accommodating to a generation of millennials savvy enough to work from their creative and professional spaces of comfort. However, the myths linked to the lifestyle have set a dark cloud over seasoned and newly established DNs. 

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Decoding Digital Nomads: How they maintain their lifestyles?

Being a digital nomad is more than just a LinkedIn headline, hashtag or slightly enlarged resume title.

For many DNs, it’s a dream-filled lifestyle, one that’s brought about some of their most memorable experiences. Some have spent months, even years, preparing to become a digital nomad. And through their moments of success and failure, few regret embarking on a life of location independence.

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Decoding Digital Nomads: How to become one?

To be a digital nomad requires work, like a lot.

Often, people are blinded by the idea of nomadism. The allure of crystal white-sand beaches and images of people working shortened hours poolside before heading on a day’s expedition is what draws in traditional nine-to-fivers. These people want to obtain a similar lifestyle.

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Decoding Digital Nomads: Who are they?

The rise of the digital age has created new ways for professionals to work independently.

The use of virtual and online platforms have seemingly replaced the brick and mortar office spaces of the past, widening today’s digital landscape. Now, it’s easier for freelancers, entrepreneurs and influencers to work remotely from their homes.

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