EVSC makes strides in tailoring online assignments for special education students

EVANSVILLE, Ind. — The sudden shift to online learning amid the coronavirus pandemic has posed sizable challenges for students, many accustomed to learning in traditional classrooms.

Some students and teachers have had glaring issues adjusting to the "new normal," including those in special education. The need for diverse and interactive instruction from teachers and therapists has made the initial transition to virtual learning a difficult

"It's difficult for everybody, but I feel like it's most difficult for our kids," said Besty Schmidt, a special education teacher at McGary Middle School. "That is one of the most challenging things, making sure that I'm able to figure out how to meet my students' needs individually because they are so different."

Rather than conducting "blanket instruction," Schmidt aims to develop assignments tailored to all her students' unique learning styles.

With special education students varying in their abilities to read, socialize and learn, Evansville Vanderburgh School Corp. teachers have been forced to seek creative ways to instruct each child.

For her more "project-minded" students, Schmidt asked them to record themselves building a science project, while her other students were sent videos to watch for class.

"It's challenging because you have to look for a lot of resources, but it's a time for those students to be able to share their different strengths with me," Schmidt said.

And while the search for resources is difficult, she said, it's an opportunity for her and other special education teachers to learn how to use online tools and, ultimately, grow as educators. Schmidt feels the changes have made her and other teachers more versatile.

"Honestly, I think a lot of us can thrive under a little adversity," she said. "You get to see who we are as educators, and I found out I'm pretty good at making sure my kids are connected digitally."

Holly Goebel said her son Porter has benefited from work the corporation has done to accommodate to the academic strengths of special education students.

Porter, a kindergarten student at Daniel Wertz Elementary School, initially had difficulties during the first week of virtual instruction. But after Goebel spoke to his teachers, they modified assignments to fit his and other students' needs.

Porter connected with his teachers and speech therapist on Zoom video sessions, and engaged in more in-depth and interactive activities.

"So far, on our end, I've been impressed with how the teachers have really been supportive through all of this, especially with special education," Goebel said. "That's tough as it is."

But this wasn't an independent effort, Schmidt said.

administrators have provided so they can better serve their students.

Alcorn said the district will continue to focus on accommodating the nearly 4,000 special education students' needs. Not only by urging teachers to closely instruct students from their computer screens, but encourage guardians, parents and grandparents to help them, as well.

Based on their needs, the corporation is using a combination of paperwork packets and virtual learning platforms for students.

"There isn't a one-size fits all for special education," Acorn said. "We need to adapt and do what's best for our students."

Having spoken with local families, Alcorn said students are working hard and openly seeking help with online assignments. 

In addition to helping provide online resources for teachers and parents, the EVSC has also developed a website to continue the district's therapeutic services. The website will allow students to work on their speech, occupational and physical therapy goals virtually. This information will be posted on each EVSC school's website.

— Courier & Press