Evansville's Signature School assures families that students' safety is top priority

Given a choice between in-person and virtual learning, most Signature School families have opted for face-to-face instruction. And while Principal Jean Hitchcock is excited for the students to return on Wednesday, she said their safety remains the school's top priority.

Along with rearranging desks and taping off instructional areas with measuring sticks, Hitchcock said Signature will live-stream classes for families opting to learn from home.

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Signature School graduate Kiana Jackson earns recognition by Vanderbilt University, Forbes

As she earns prestigious recognition for her accomplishments as a medical student at Vanderbilt University, Signature School graduate Kianna Jackson is proving her hometown supporters right.

The first person in her extended family to become a doctor, the Evansville native has distinguished herself as a leader, mentor and student.

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